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A New Season For Generations

Pastor Peh Han hands the baton over to Matthew Long to lead the youth ministry into a new chapter.

After 3 years of faithfully leading Generations, Ps Peh Han passed the baton to Matthew Long to take the youth ministry into a different season. During the handover service on 23rd January 2021, Ps Yang shared a Word about fullness, exhorting Generations to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and to minister from that place of communion with Him.

“You need to be willing to go into the wilderness, into obscurity, to be hidden by God for as long as He desires till you become a fully formed vessel, a messenger of the most High God,” Ps Yang said, making reference to the apostle Paul and Moses, who were in the wilderness for some time, before they came back full of the power of God. This happened to Jesus too, who at the age of 12 was found with a degree of wisdom, being able to debate with the religious leaders of his day. However, He was in obscurity for 18 years in Nazareth before He began His ministry at the age of 30. At 30, He no longer had wisdom but also stature and authority.

You need to be willing to go into the wilderness, into obscurity, to be hidden by God for as long as He desires till you become a fully formed vessel, a messenger of the most High God.

The word fullness, which is plērōma in Greek, was mentioned 17 times in the Bible, and it speaks of being filled till overflowing. And it is out of such fullness that we need to minister from. Ps Yang emphasised that you cannot run on empty, because there would be no power. To Ps Peh Han and Matthew Long, he said, “stand at the pulpit, full of the Holy Ghost.” He then added that when a man or woman is full of God, the effects against the kingdom of darkness is devastating.

Ps Yang talked about the need for discipline and patience, to allow the Holy Spirit to complete His work within us so that we can come not just into the 30-fold fruitfulness, but to the 60 and the 100-fold fruitfulness. Stephen was mentioned as a man who was full of God, and he was not just content to be a deacon, but he pressed in to be full of faith, power and wisdom to do great signs and wonders. Barnabas, as well, was full of the Holy Spirit and of faith, and many people were added to the Lord because of his ministry. (Acts 11:24).

The young people’s attention was drawn to Ephesians 5, where Paul exhorts us not to be drunk with wine, but to be filled with the Spirit. The key to that was “…speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things”. The spirit of complaining can be overcome by giving thanks, and everyone was challenged to thank God for 10 things every day.

I believe that God is going to fill you with the fullness of God, not because of what you have done but because the previous generation has cried out for you.

On a concluding note, our Senior Pastor encouraged the youths of Generations to make the right decision at a young age to serve the Lord with all of their hearts. He also blessed and prophesied over some of the youths, and over Generations as a ministry. “I believe that God is going to fill you with the fullness of God, not because of what you have done but because the previous generation has cried out for you,” he added. “Generations has a legacy, and the Lord is going to do something significant even in this time of transition.”

After a blessing was spoken over the ministry, Ps Peh Han officially handed the leadership of Generations to Matthew, and the pastors prayed and commissioned Matthew to serve the young people in this new season. Josiah Yang and Chermaine Lek were excellent emcees throughout, and the service ended with a recap of God’s faithfulness through the milestones of Generations in 2020.



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