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ACES 2020: Generations’ First Online Evangelism School

Generations held their first online evangelism school, ACES, on 21-23 May 2020, right smack in the middle of the Covid-19 nationwide Circuit Breaker in Singapore. ACES stands for Awaken, Commission, Equip, Send, and this initiative was birthed out of the Send Out Youth Camp in 2019, when the Lord spoke to the leaders about equipping youths with skills and tools for evangelism and outreach.

Over Zoom, Pastor Jeff Yuen spoke about supernatural evangelism and Pastor Jason Chua touched on the convergence of prayer and reaching people for Jesus. Pastor Sabrina Low shared her heart on carrying the Spirit of Revival and challenged the 200 young people to respond. On that final day of the school, the participants gathered in virtual cell groups and learnt how to share their testimonies and preach the gospel in a simple manner.

From here, the secondary school students were challenged to initiate their own outreaches either virtually or in small groups, as part of an ongoing ACES Outreach Programme. Some planned Zoom slumber parties or online game sessions, others gathered in small groups for meals, while complying with the pandemic restrictions.

It was so encouraging to see the young people stepping out in faith to share God’s love with their generation in creative ways! The testimonies have also been very encouraging and we believe this will continue in the days ahead!


Iris from Generations Zone 4 was impressed by the Holy Spirit to pray for her friend who hurt her leg. Even though she hesitated at first, she overcame her fear and approached her friend during lunch. What really lifted her spirits was that her friend later texted to say that her leg felt better! “I was quite shocked and surprised. This experience really motivated me to step out and pray for my friends,” she shared.

“I believe God has placed us in our respective schools for a reason, not just to study and get educated, but to do His work.”

Another youth, Joshua from Generations Zone 7 shared his testimony of reaching out to his pre-believing friend. After some time, his friend came to church for a couple of visits and eventually accepted the Lord! He became very hungry spiritually and had many questions about the Bible. “I believe God has placed us in our respective schools for a reason, not just to study and get educated, but to do His work,” Joshua added.

The online evangelism school will be having its second run in June 2021, so stay tuned to the Generations social media channels and sign up closer to date!


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