ACES is the evangelistic arm of Generations, dedicated to awaken, commission, equip and send youths out to plant school outreaches around Singapore and to reach their spheres for Christ.
Annually, we gather for a time of equipping and impartation at our ACES School. This year’s theme was focused on the harvest being white whilst placing an emphasis on the one pre-believer whom we meet regularly. It was intentional in bringing across the message that the expression of revival is not exclusive to packed stadiums but very much about an individual as well. Revival is a face, a name, a person.
In line with that, we had a team of powerhouse speakers — Pastor Peh Han, Pastor Jason Chua, Pastor Sharon Chong, Isaac Ong and John Nick Lee — who ministered to the registrants for the three days of training.
Topics like The Father’s Heart for the One, Partnering with the Holy Spirit, Supernatural is Normal, Prophetic Evangelism, The Power of Prayer, Preaching the Gospel and Reaching the One, were covered. Imagine what an enriching time we had!
We had a total of over 170 registrants, including five new visitors from other churches! Due to the safety measures implemented by the government, we had to hold our ACES School online, with the ministry team streaming live from our church auditorium. God was not restricted. Right from the start of the planning, the ACES Committee wanted to intentionally make room for God to move as He desired during the School. We saw glimpses of that during the different sessions when the speakers, volunteers and registrants encountered God in a personal manner.
God isn’t restricted by distance and is so intentional in reaching us wherever we are.
There was just something that Pastor Jason Chua carried as he shared on the partnership of the Holy Spirit. It was not the words that came out of his mouth but a sweet anointing that brought such a stirring in my heart. "I found myself on the floor of my room with a raw cry birthing forth as he led us into a deeper fellowship with Holy Spirit," said Cherina Lek. Likewise, the volunteers in the auditorium were on bent knees with their faces on the floor. Whether they were at home or on-site, God imparted something in their hearts — a testament of how God isn’t restricted by distance and is so intentional in reaching us wherever we are.
Coupled with the encounters with the Holy Spirit were practical sessions which helped us apply what was taught. We had breakout sessions where registrants were able to practice preaching the Gospel and prophesying over one another.
Many were amazed at how a short 5-7 minutes invested in faith would impact and encourage lives. One of the youths immediately applied what she was taught on prophetic evangelism while reaching out to her pre-believing friend. Her friend then encountered God upon receiving the released word. That’s what childlike faith in action can do!
We ended the School with a time of commissioning prayer and a call to partner with God as His labourers.
God was very present when He showed up and we were undeterred meeting with hearts.
Registrants as young as 13 years old responded to that call and expressed the desire to pioneer outreaches in their schools for Christ!
This was our second ACES School, and each year the Lord moves in a different and unique way. Even though the programme was impacted by the developments of the Covid-19 both times, God was very present when He showed up and we were undeterred meeting with hearts.
Beyond what we saw in the physical, God imparted something of the supernatural to each of the participants. We have to steward what we have received, as we are sent out to reach others in our spheres of influence, one soul at a time. The fields are indeed white for harvest!