We hear about the history and heart behind the Tribal Gathering in Miri, Malaysia, which Cornerstone Borneo is a part of, and testimonies from the Singapore team that served at last year’s event.

History and Legacy:
Tribal Gathering is a yearly event that has been ongoing for over 20 years in Borneo since 2002. It began as a “tebupun” (service) under the umbrella of PKSB (Persekutuan Kelabit, Saban dan Berawan), an alliance of the Kelabit, Saban, and Berawan tribes to commemorate the October 1973 Bario Revival celebrated among the people groups that experienced the revival first hand.
In 2018, this tebupun (service) was handed over to the next generation of the Kelabit, Saban, and Berawan tribes. With the direction of the Holy Spirit, this “tebupun” was renamed “Tribal Gathering” because the Bario Revival legacy was meant to include every tribe and every tongue.
Tribal Gathering has brought about a convergence of many churches, denominations, generations, and tribes who share the same heart to pursue revival. It has stirred a hunger in the congregation to encounter the winds of the Holy Spirit and glimpses of His glory. The movement also moves strongly in the prophetic, and this has given us insight into apostolic strategies for kingdom advancement. The team followed through with prophetic declarations and decrees directed by the Holy Spirit, and the ripple effects can now be seen in the region. Churches and schools have been ignited with a desire for the move of the Holy Spirit through pursuing His presence in holiness and reverence.
Last year, a team of volunteers from Singapore travelled to Miri to serve alongside the local churches at the Tribal Gathering from 10 -12 Oct 2024.
Praise Report from the Team
In preparation for the Tribal Gathering, our team of 54 members converged with volunteers of other churches, denominations, and nationalities at the Miri Stadium for a powerful time in worship. The atmosphere was filled with expectancy of what God had in store for the gathering.
In the early evening of 10 October, we joined various volunteer teams to serve in areas such as ushering, logistics, sound, prayer, and healing, which carried on throughout the whole event. The 51st Tribal Gathering started with a powerful time of worship led in both Malay and English, followed by the opening message by Josh Yeoh.
Throughout the gathering, more messages of encouragement were given, and many prophetic acts took place, uniting tribes and nations for the furtherance of His Kingdom.
Much emphasis was placed on the next generation on the second night, and on the last night, we were given the honour of witnessing the forging of a covenant friendship between representatives from Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore for the fulfilment of revival in these countries. It was heartwarming to see the assurance of support from the very nations that we had served alongside during the Tribal Gathering.
Throughout the conference, we also experienced much joy in building relationships with fellow team members, volunteers, and participants of the Tribal Gathering. At the pre-service healing sessions, some of us witnessed first-hand the testimonies of those who came to receive prayer. Other team members served behind the scenes in more operational roles to ensure that everything ran smoothly. It was truly a team effort - each volunteer being willing to work together with others using whatever God had put in their hands, such that it gave a glimpse of the unity and convergence that was emphasised throughout the conference.
As last year’s Tribal Gathering ended, we were so thankful that God had allowed us to cross paths at such
a significant event. God is indeed doing a deep work in Borneo, and it is our honour to play just a small part in
the unfolding of His plans over this land.
These are some of the testimonies from team members:
Leon Leo (Usher Team)
"During one of the nights, the sound system failed, leaving the hall in silence. As I prayed for music to return, God reminded me that worship isn’t dependent on music or leaders. In that moment, I danced, sang, and worshipped freely, learning to praise Him with all my heart, even in silence and solitude."
Deborah Seet (Healing Team)
"This was my first couriers mission trip with Cornerstone. With my husband’s support, I served at the Tribal
Gathering in Miri and experienced 'spiritual rejuvenation'. One Tribal Ibu’s prayer and worship in tongues truly filled the stadium with His presence. There were many personal breakthroughs, and I’m changed by His glory and presence."
Jeanette Chiu (Healing Team)
"This was my first ministry trip, serving on the healing team. I prayed for God’s will to be revealed, and I experienced His guidance through dreams and impressions. During the pre-conference prayer time, I sensed specific needs and shared them with the team. Through this, I learnt that God can use anyone willing to
follow His lead."
April Cheam (Deliverance Team)
"At Tribal Gathering 2024, I witnessed many holy moments. One such moment was seeing church leaders from Peninsula Malaysia honour the intercession of the East Malaysia tribes, sparking unity for an Asian revival. Serving with the Cornerstone team was also a blessing as we were able to see people being healed and delivered. I believe Singapore has a vital role in this mission."
David Ng (Deliverance Team)
"Tribal Gathering 2024 was a glimpse of Revelations 7, where every tribe and tongue will worship Jesus together. It was an honour serving these ones, knowing that the least of these will be great in the kingdom. God is moving, and it was a joy to be there contending for their freedom and destiny."
Rachel Chua (Atmosphere Team)
"The Tribal Gathering was a time of refreshing for me. From the pre-conference briefing till the last night, there was such a weightiness of the presence of God, particularly a manifestation of His holiness. I also experienced His heart for revival in Singapore and the region, and the revelation that there can be no revival without consecration and holiness. It was a privilege to serve alongside the Miri team from whom I learnt much, and I have been challenged to grow in discernment and intercession."
Cara Sim (Atmosphere Team)
"At Tribal Gathering, I was deeply convicted about my relationship with God’s family. The Holy Spirit revealed that many individuals, including those from Singapore, Malaysia, and various tribes like the Lun Bawang were my family-in-Christ, affirming our spiritual bond even upon our first meeting."