Each year, we look forward with anticipation to the Cornerstone Global Network Summit (CGN), and last year was no exception. An annual gathering for the global Cornerstone Family in the nations, everyone was so filled with joy to reunite, this time at the Changi Cove, from 20-24 July. More than co-labourers, our CGN pastors and leaders are truly brothers and sisters-in-Christ, and the relationships forged are ones we hold dear.
Over 90 participants from 20 countries joined their hearts to connect and receive a fresh word from God through our Senior Pastors and spiritual parents, Pastor Yang and Pastor Daphne.
The Summit also featured Reverend Sylvia Evans, a General in the faith, along with various workshops and case studies led by our CGN pastors and the Singapore staff. These sessions fostered cross-pollination of ideas and experiences, enriching the entire network.
In addition to spiritual exhortation and teachings, the pastors enjoyed a fun game session of bubble soccer and arrow tag. It was a refreshing break for their spirit, soul, and body.
The theme for last year’s Summit was “My Master Craftsman,” taken from Ephesians 2:10:
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
One of the key objectives of the Summit was to allow God to refine and shape our perspectives, aligning them with His, so that our pastors could be transformed and prepared for the next season of their ministries.
Thinking Apostolic — The Big Picture
Pastor Yang shared an insightful story from 1997 when Apple Computer was in deep financial trouble. The company rethought its strategy, and the brand managers developed the now famous slogan, “Think Different.”
This clever and intentional advertising campaign played a pivotal role in Apple’s turnaround, helping it become the wealthiest and most valuable corporation in history.
When leadership is apostolic, the church becomes missional.
Pastor Yang challenged the leadership to see things with apostolic lenses. This, he said, will tip the balance and move the church forward. “When leadership is apostolic, the church becomes missional.”
By adopting an apostolic mindset, we can push the boundaries, expand God’s kingdom through church-planting, and reach out to communities, all with the belief of making a maximum impact.
“Let me just say this about the apostolic: It’s never satisfied with the status quo. It’s never in retreat or content with the same old ways. It constantly pushes the boundaries of the kingdom. The apostolic is wired for forward
movement, and God is always on the move.”
Pastor Yang encouraged the pastors to think differently about how their churches are run and to seek new blueprints from God for expanding and stretching the boundaries of their inheritance.
Communion and Covenant — The Small Picture
Adding another dimension to this perspective, Pastor Daphne reminded the pastors to pay attention to the details in ministry. She offered a two-fold reminder: raising the next generation of leaders and maintaining personal communion with the Lord.
“If you have the mindset of raising leaders, you are positioning yourself for apostolic placement. God is going to bring men and women of all forms, shapes, and giftings, and we must be prepared to receive them.”
Pastor Daphne emphasised the importance of embracing diversity within the body of Christ: “We’ve learnt to accommodate people who are different from us. Their differences bring something we don’t have. If you only welcome people who are the same as you, you’re not going to change much.”
She also reminded the pastors that beyond external labouring, personal devotion to the Lord is crucial. “God needs us to stay close to Him and be one with Him, to understand His heart so that we can move when He moves. God loves us deeply, and when we unite ourselves with Him, everything around us will align.”
Honouring the Anointing – Protecting Our Integrity
Along with the macro apostolic vision and the daily details of ministry, pastors also require divine empowerment and the anointing of God. Reverend Sylvia expanded on this idea by explaining two distinct types of anointing a believer receives: “The first anointing, from the Holy Spirit, is your seal of eternal salvation—a confirmation that you belong to God. This is the indwelling anointing that every believer has.
But the anointing for office is different; it’s a seal of holiness unto the Lord, representing Him in the office to carry out His work.”
Rev. Sylvia stressed the importance of integrity for those in ministry, cautioning pastors, “When we start using God as our resource for all good gifts, or we use the ministry He has given us, or the people under our leadership as though they belong to us, it’s more than just a violation of that person or thing. It’s an integrity issue. It’s a violation of the trust of the anointing.”
To ensure longevity and leave a lasting legacy, pastors were reminded to finish the race well, showing themselves approved by both God and man.
We are grateful to God for the wonderful time our pastors spent together, encouraging and refreshing themselves through the Word and fellowship with the Cornerstone family. We look forward to seeing our CGN pastors again in the next CGN Summit!