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CIP 2024: Count it All Joy!

Our Cornerstone Internship Programme (CIP) graduated 20 interns from 9 nations last year. For two months, the interns went through sessions of interactive teaching, mentorship, and hands-on apprenticeship with our pastors and staff.


In this internship programme, I gleaned from the testimonies and teachings of pastors and leaders who have been in the ministry for decades. I learnt that challenges will exist in the ministry. We will be faced with many problems that might draw us away from the Lord, sometimes through people, and sometimes through circumstances, but we are to remain faithful and press on. God will never leave us nor forsake us, so we don’t need to worry or be afraid. Through the difficult times, God is at work to shape our lives and allow us to know Him more deeply. I have been very blessed by each teacher because of their extraordinary hearts, passion for God, and the spirit of service in their hearts.

During CIP, I was involved in the work of Cornerstone Community Services, where I learnt that we can dig

deeper and understand people’s needs so that we can help them better. There are also many different and creative ways to reach people, build relationships, and bring them together. I have gained so much which I can apply to my ministry back in Indonesia, and I will continue to learn to build good relationships with people so that I can help them find solutions. It is my prayer that in serving others in this manner, they will experience the love of God and come to know Him one day.


One of the most impactful lessons from the Cornerstone Internship Programme would be the topic of serving with excellence. Personally, I had often thought of serving with joy, which is an emotion, but never delved deeper to think about serving with excellence – that requires our heart, mind, and soul.

With this understanding, my perspective concerning servanthood has shifted. When it comes to service, we can never consider a task to be too small. Every part is vital, and in whatever we do, we are to do it to the best of our ability with the resources we have. Just as our Lord Jesus has given all of Himself to us, we in turn should give our best to Him.

The department attachment in CIP allowed us to experience and witness what went on behind the scenes in the church. For example, during the preparation of the church camp. I remembered the office being like a “war zone”. Everyone was so focused, putting their hands together to do all that was needed for the camp. There was such teamwork and unity on display, and the staff carried a sense of pride in what they were doing - whether it was packing, labelling items, or looking into the plans and logistics. There was so much to finish within such a short period, yet everyone’s spirits were high. You could even hear laughter from the office – there was such joy! Truly, the Spirit of God was there in the midst of chaos. It was an eye-opener for me, and I am even more thankful to be part of Cornerstone.

Being a part of CIP was like entering into the heart of the church. The lessons gave us a sense of the vision, mission, and direction of the church. And through the department attachment, we caught the heartbeat, learning to beat together as one. These are unique and valuable opportunities that you can get only experience in CIP.

Ying Tong:

In a nutshell, I think CIP reminded me to be intentional in involving God in my everyday life. These include daily decisions like spending my time in a way that builds my spiritual life, making life choices concerning the course I study, where I should work, or whether I am where God has called me to. I know that once CIP is over, the true test will be whether I can carry this hunger for God with me even when school resumes and life gets busier. I think this is why I constantly remind and ask myself, “Is this what God wants?” or “Does this honour God?”. I want to live a life that honours and pleases Him.

The hands-on experience at CIP also allowed me to see and learn what goes on behind the scenes in the Missions Department. I came to see how much time and effort was needed to prepare for mission trip launches and different trainings. I also understood the thought process and heart behind each decision made, that we do not do things just for the people’s best interest, but we are to consider what is on God’s mind and heart.

Through the conversations I had with my mentor, Pastor Winnie, I grew to see her heart for missions, and that was truly inspiring. She showed me a different side of missions - where it is not only about going to third world countries to preach the Good Word, but it can also look like going into first world countries to influence and instil Kingdom values among those whom I have the privilege of meeting.

I learnt to never underestimate what God can do and how He can use me, and to see every season as one where God is preparing me for the works He has planned for me. More than that, it is also to find opportunities to prepare myself for what God may call me to do in the future.

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