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Cornerstone Community Services: Blessing Our Migrant Workers

Cornerstone Community Services (CCS) launched the Cornerstone Wellness Programme for migrant workers in January 2024 to equip them with life skills that care for their well-being such as financial management, self-care, and building strong family relationships. The programme also provides opportunities for migrant workers to forge friendships and find community support in Singapore.

In the past year, 14 workshops have been conducted under this programme covering these topics: scam alert, goal setting, money management, family care, and arts & crafts, etc. These workshops are complimentary for the migrant workers to attend at Penjuru Recreation Centre.

Gillian Tan shared that she signed up to be a volunteer for this programme as she wanted to do something more for the community beyond Cell group meetings. Together with her four Cell members (Andrew, Peony, Margaret, and Eunice), they helped to conduct several health workshops on Saturday nights from July till November 2024 (“What is Diabetes?”, “Cancer We Punch You” and “Tips for Health and Happiness”). Each workshop lasted one hour with some ice breaker games before the sharing, followed by quizzes with prizes to allow interaction among the participants.

In addition to running the workshops, the group blessed the workers with a chicken biryani meal in October as part of the Deepavali celebration. For their last session in November, the group ordered bottles of sambal chilli made by Eunice’s mum to give to the workers.

Gillian added, “We were moved by the attentiveness and active participation of the migrant workers. It was

encouraging to see some migrant workers come back month after month to attend the workshops. This was a meaningful volunteering experience as it allowed us to give back to the migrant workers in practical ways to show our appreciation for their valuable service to our nation.”

If you are keen to volunteer for this programme, do get in touch with the Community Services team at


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