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Cornerstone Global Network Summit 2022

After three years of not being able to gather physically due to the pandemic, the Cornerstone Global Network pastors and leaders finally came together for our annual Summit in Singapore this year. Everyone was so excited to be able to reunite after so long.

Held from 18 to 21 July 2022 at Katong Auditorium and Odeon Katong, this year’s theme centered on restoring the Tabernacle of David; to function not just as kings that walk in His authority, but as priests that minister to Him daily in the Holy place, carrying His presence wherever we go. This is an important message for leaders at the forefront of building the Kingdom and the Lord is calling His leaders to return to that place of longing to be found in the inner courts.

As Pastor Yang addressed the leaders at the Summit, he shared that God wants to release the revelation of the Melchizedek Priesthood to His Last-Day Church, but the question to ask would be whether we are ready to receive it.

He opened the Summit with Hebrews 5:9-11, where the Apostle Peter called the believers a royal priesthood, and gave the Church a vision of what could be. Unfortunately, the hearts of those Hebrew Christians were dull, and they could not receive the revelation that God wanted to release to them. Referencing scriptures from Genesis 14, Psalm 110 and Hebrews 7, he shared that the Melchizedek Priesthood is one that carries both the priestly anointing and the kingly anointing. This is something that every believer can desire for and is available to those who would allow themselves to be moulded by Him.

The Melchizedek Priesthood is firstly a reigning priesthood that sits in heavenly places at the Lord’s right hand, and rules in the midst of our enemies. However, maturity is required on the part of the vessel to carry the authority required to do the “greater works” spoken in John 14:12.

Secondly, the priesthood is also called to proclaim His praises and His superiority over darkness - to minister to Him daily, and to make decrees over the spheres of influence (i.e.: churches and ministries) that the Lord has entrusted. This comes with that deep desire to go on towards spiritual Mount Zion, and to attain to the higher levels of Christian life.

He challenged the CGN pastors and leaders to press in for a release of this in their lives and churches, and to make themselves willing to first be houses of prayer themselves, before they lead others to walk as kings and priests. They must be willing to pay the price for the full release of the anointing.

The sense of synergy between pastors and leaders continued to be evident during the sessions that followed, as participants gathered to worship and linger in His presence. Everyone was also stirred up by Pastor Yang’s fiery delivery of the vision for the Network:

1. To always make room for the Holy Spirit and the release of His power in their churches;

2. To carry the mandate for revival that God has given Cornerstone; and

3. To build according to the pattern that the Lord has given, with longevity and multiplication in mind.

The CGN pastors and leaders were further blessed by the times of personal ministry and the opportunities to bond and pray for one another. They were also inspired by the testimonies of God at work in the various churches in the Network. As this global family continues to expand, we want to celebrate the Lord’s faithfulness as ONE as we lean upon Him to build the Kingdom.


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