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Evangelism with the Holy Spirit

Inspiring testimonies from our prophetic evangelism team members

In early 2022, the Lord challenged Cornerstone Missions to mobilise our church members for the

work of evangelism. This clarion call was not one to be taken lightly. God’s vision was clear – for

our church members to boldly witness with God’s power and authority, divinely led by the Holy Spirit.

Across the following months, this seed for the Prophetic Evangelism ministry began to germinate. A total of 140 Couriers volunteers were trained across two cohorts to exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Across four sessions, our volunteers were trained and activated by key prophetic trainers to give words of knowledge, heal the sick and preach the Gospel. They were then paired up and sent out to the streets to put into practice what they had just learnt.

The results were astounding! Just like in Luke 10, our teams came back rejoicing with numerous testimonies about how God encountered people powerfully through His spiritual gifts. Many of our volunteers were ministering in this way for the very first time and they were greatly encouraged by what God did through them.

Since the Prophetic Evangelism training concluded, over 25 volunteers have been meeting fortnightly for street outreaches, anchoring the birth of Cornerstone’s Prophetic Evangelism ministry in late 2022. We believe that the Lord is leading His church back to the foundations of evangelism and disciple-making. This journey

requires collective commitment, dedication, and willingness to take risks, but it is also one that is filled with the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, and the joy of seeing lives changed forever.

Here are some testimonies:

"In November 2022, God prompted me and my friend Angela to approach a staff member of a cafe. As we conversed, I received a word of knowledge that he was experiencing heart pain. He later shared with us that he had a heart condition and was on long-term medication. In response, I shared with him

how God miraculously healed my spouse’s heart condition through the prayers of a few God-fearing children. He was very moved by my testimony, so we took the opportunity to pray for God to heal him.

He was deeply touched and we sensed his openness to the gospel. After we preached the gospel, he invited Jesus into his life and accepted Him as his Saviour! Glory to God!" - April

"Before the street outreach, I received a word of knowledge that we needed to approach a lady who was sitting alone, wearing a yellow and brown outfit. As we started our outreach, we truly did meet this lady. My partner approached her and found out that she was from another faith, and thereafter, we told her about our Lord Jesus. She then revealed that she was going through some issues in her marriage, and we prayed for reconciliation with her husband. She was deeply appreciative and thankful for our prayer." - Agnes

"On the last session of the Prophetic Evangelism training, I saw some migrant workers carrying heavy

things, and wondered to God whether I should minister to them. Just then, I saw the image of a leg and knew that one of the workers was experiencing leg pain. Together with my team, we approached the

workers and chatted with them. One of the workers told us that he had diabetes, and we offered to pray

for him. I also asked him if he had any back pain or leg pain, and he said that he did. Both his back and

leg were hurting, and I knew that this was the man God wanted us to reach out to.

As we prayed for his healing, my team member, Esther sensed that he was feeling lonely and she

prayed that he would know that God is with him. After we finished praying, another team member,

Eunice, invited him to receive Jesus into his heart. He was keen and said the sinner’s prayer! We

exchanged contacts and continued to follow up with our new brother-in-Christ.

It was wonderful to see how God used all of us in different ways as we ministered as a team." - Tristan

"I want to thank our church for this opportunity to be a part of the Prophetic Evangelism ministry.

Although I am generally shy and reserved, this ministry has challenged me to step out of my

comfort zone to witness, bless others and fulfil the Great Commission. I always look forward to each outreach and gathering, not just because there are a bunch of supportive and encouraging ministry members, but also because I can practise listening to God while bringing His message of hope to others.

In the past, I would spend days and weeks waiting for God’s confirmation on a matter. But through

the Prophetic Evangelism outreach, I have learnt to listen to God on the spot and release His encouragement and blessing to the person I am speaking to. I am glad that l can be used by the Lord to bring comfort and blessings to others, especially those seeking Him. My mindset towards evangelism has changed and it is now a

part of my lifestyle." - Kevin

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