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Impossible 2020

2020 was a year of firsts, with many records made in the way the church conducted services, meetings and conferences. Even though Impossible 2020 was first planned as an evangelistic rally at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, the uncertainties of the Covid-19 pandemic called for the event to go online for the very first time, like all other physical gatherings last year.

The organising team rallied the youth to hold their own watch parties virtually or in small groups at their homes or churches as everyone listened intently to Taya Smith, Mike Pilavachi and Nick Vujicic preach the Word. It was so encouraging to see 200 Singapore churches from different denominations register for the conference. The number of online views captured across the various streaming platforms also exceeded the 100k mark.

Hosted from Bethesda Cathedral, one of the most significant moments of the evangelistic rally was using Zoom to pray with the young people from the nations. As different representatives prayed, the presence of God was so evident and there was such a unity that was established.

In the days leading up to the conference, Pastor Andrew Yeo, who spearheads the initiative, was approached by several international Christian networks, each expressing interest to stream the online conference in their churches. They also wanted to spread the word about Impossible 2020 to others in their networks, extending the reach of the online rally by leaps and bounds!

Zoom ministry rooms were set up for prayer, and more than 100 responded to the altar call, giving their lives to Jesus! The lives that were touched and transformed were truly what made the conference worthwhile, and we are so thankful for every one of them.

Among the participants of Impossible 2020 were representatives from 328 churches across different denominations and backgrounds – Pentecostal, Methodist, Bible Presbyterian and Chinese churches. These also included 128 overseas churches from 17 nations who joined in remotely! Japan, Myanmar, Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei were among some of the countries reached. To God be the Glory!


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