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It’s Never Too Young to Serve the Lord!

The young volunteers of our Children’s Church tell us about why they serve in the House of God.

At CSCC Kidz, we believe children can also serve and minister to one another. We want our children to be raised as sons and daughters – having a sense of belonging and a willingness to take up responsibility in God’s House.

Each weekend, the children serving take on different roles such as Greeter, Class Helper, Praiser (Praise and Worship Assistant), Emcee, and Projectionist.

In June 2022, the Children’s Church held a training for 30 children volunteers for the first time in two years. The children were all looking forward to the session, and through the time together, they picked up skills pertaining to their area of service and learnt about the heart of serving.

After the training, the children were given an opportunity to try out their respective roles, and then commit to serving regularly at weekend services for six months.

Let's hear what the children have to say about serving:

Ariel Lee, 7-years-old, Greeter:

I want to be a kid volunteer because I want to serve God and it is just what I feel God is calling me to do. I learnt that serving is also about serving others! What I enjoy the most about the time serving is when I get to greet other people!

Aloysius Ong, 8-years-old, Emcee:

I want to be a kid volunteer because I want to serve God. I learnt to be brave by standing in front of the class.

Adele Sithan, 9-years-old, Praiser:

I want to volunteer in the ministry because I want to motivate shy children to praise God. I have learnt to be more disciplined and responsible in preparing for the praise and worship so that I can lead my friends.

Gabriella Sato, 11-years-old, Emcee:

I like to serve God because I enjoy it. I have learnt to rely on God in every game I serve.

Samuel Kerk, 12-years-old, Projectionist:

I love serving as a kid volunteer as this not only reduces the stress on the teachers, but this is also my service to God. It makes me pleased to see the smiles and euphoria on the children’s faces too! I’m sure we inspire them to start serving when the time comes.

Serving as a projectionist, I have learnt countless values. One of those is that I must be adaptable. If there is anything that happens suddenly, I must be ready to troubleshoot so that the service can go on smoothly. During the training before I became a projectionist, I had to listen carefully to what the teacher/instructor was saying so that I wouldn’t make any mistakes during service.

Lastly, I would like to thank the Children Church’s staff for helping me along the way and helping me to better understand how to be a projectionist. Moving forward to Generations, I would definitely want to serve in the ministry too.

Sarah Joy Yeow, 11-years-old, Class Helper:

I volunteered as I enjoy interacting with children younger than me. I like to be helpful. This will be

a new experience in doing something new. I have learnt to be patient with children and understand how parents feel.



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