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Man May Fail, But God Never Fails.

Toh Kok Peng and Yeo Wanqi share their testimony of finding Christ while facing the challenges of living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

During the COVID-19 pandemic Circuit Breaker, Kok Peng started to experience weakness in his hands, and he suspected this was a sign of a deeper health issue. After going to see a neurologist, he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a rare type of neurodegenerative disorder that has no cure. This came as a shock to Kok Peng and his wife, Wanqi, as he had always been healthy.

A former naval diver during his national service days, the father of two young children had always been physically fit, leading an active lifestyle, and eating healthy. Before the onset of his illness, he would even hit the gym three times a week and participate in a half marathon yearly.

"It felt like all our dreams for the future had crumbled."

ALS involves the progressive loss of control of the muscles needed to move, speak, eat, and breathe, so the uncertainty of the future loomed.

“It felt like all our dreams for the future had crumbled. We had many hopes and aspirations as a young couple, and we even had hopes to have a third child. It was very hard,” Wanqi shared. The couple struggled with emotions of loss as they grappled with the news back in 2020.

Over time, they started to accept the circumstances and plan for possible treatments and living arrangements. However, it was tough coping with ALS, as Kok Peng found himself needing to increasingly depend on Wanqi for many tasks as his primary caregiver. This left him feeling down occasionally when he felt like a burden to those around him.

Things became even more challenging for the two when Kok Peng was retrenched from his job in 2023, taking them on an emotional roller coaster. Wanqi shared that it was a difficult period. She had to juggle between work, taking care of Kok Peng, and looking after the children, and it took a toll on her physical and mental health.

“There was a time when both the boys were down with fever, and I was sick, but I had to continue caring for him, and that affected my whole demeanour,” she explained. Kok Peng had always taken pride in his work and career achievements before the retrenchment. The job loss was a real blow to him, and he needed emotional support during this difficult time. “However, when Kok Peng tried to lean on me, I was tired, and I couldn’t be there for him. That would cause both of us to spiral downwards emotionally.”

“I would become irritable and short tempered, while he would lose his sleep and appetite, and that would in turn affect me too,” Wanqi said, adding that he would break down, and that would also affect his physical functions. Eventually, both would try to rise above the tide of emotions, but then something would trigger them again, and the cycle would repeat.

Jesus told him that his obedience demonstrated his unwavering faith towards God, and that was the power of his witness.

During that period, Kok Peng’s sister, Janet, constantly reached out to them out of concern. She visited weekly to check on the couple and tried to help them at home in practical ways. “Janet would often tell me that men will fail but God never fails, Jesus never fails,” Wanqi shared.

At this juncture, Janet also invited Kok Peng to attend service at Cornerstone Community Church for the first time, and he gradually became open to discovering Christ.

“I started to watch The Chosen, a Christian TV series, and one of the most memorable scenes that touched me was that of Little James, who was depicted as a cripple in the series (not mentioned in Scripture),” Kok Peng shared. In the scene, Little James, who was sent to spread the gospel and perform healing miracles, asked Jesus why he had not received healing, and how he could minister to others when he was still crippled. Jesus told him that his obedience demonstrated his unwavering faith towards God, and that was the power of his witness. “He did not require physical healing in this world to reaffirm his faith. The promise of a greater life after death in eternity was what mattered. This came as a revelation to me, as it resonated so much.” Kok Peng responded by inviting Jesus into his life first, and subsequently, Wanqi became a believer after listening to an online sermon that impacted her.

During the Heal Singapore rally 2023, God filled the void inside Kok Peng with love, joy, and peace. That was the turning point for him. The couple went for water baptism that same month, and Kok Peng also managed to experience “full immersion” with the help of friends who carried him in and out of the pool.

“I realise that I have been healed emotionally and mentally. If it is God’s plan to heal me physically, I will just have to trust in Him and wait for it. For now, I will live my life fruitfully so that I can demonstrate how God has given me strength despite my circumstances, and through it I can evangelise.” Kok Peng shared.

"We are just two ordinary people facing trials and tribulations, and we are thankful how God has come into our lives. Even though sometimes times are hard, we now find joy, strength, and peace because we have God in our lives."

Romans 5:3-5 is a scripture that he holds closely to, “but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

Both Kok Peng and Wanqi are very thankful for the support from the church community, especially from Janet, Mabel, Pastor Tim, and their cell group who started praying for them three years before they met.

“We are just two ordinary people facing trials and tribulations, and we are thankful how God has come into our lives. Even though sometimes times are hard, we now find joy, strength, and peace because we have God in our lives, " Wanqi added.

“I have learnt to put my faith and trust in God. Previously, I relied on my own strength to get through everything, and when I failed, I tried to rely on others. When others failed, I had no one else to turn to. Now I have God to turn to, and He will never fail,” Kok Peng shared. Praise the Lord!

Kok Peng used an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device as a communication aid to share his testimony for this article. He co-founded the Motor Neurone Disease Association Singapore, which supports patients with motor neurone diseases (MND) and their caregivers. In December 2024, he was one of 13 disabled persons honoured with the Goh Chok Tong Enable Award, which recognises those who continue to pursue greater heights in their areas of talent and show willingness to serve the community.


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