Our Cornerstone Internship Programme (CIP) graduated 23 interns from six nations last year. For two months, the interns went through sessions of interactive teaching, mentorship, and hands-on apprenticeship with our pastors and staff.
Here are some of their testimonies:
I have been attending Cornerstone since I was a little kid, growing up in Sunday School, and then moving up to Generations (Youth Ministry) at the age of 12. I decided to come for CIP because I heard many good reports of personal God encounters from those in the previous batches during CIP, and how they grew spiritually.
My time in CIP was eye-opening and inspirational. It taught me the value of communal learning and helped me realise that we can learn so much from each other through discussions and sharing of experiences. The teaching sessions were very engaging and practical, and one of my key takeaways from the programme is that we must be intentional about our growth. As much as we are being taught well, if we don’t practise what we have learnt, the knowledge would eventually go to waste.
Being attached to Generations has allowed me to understand the heart of our Youth Ministry. We labour not for ourselves, but so that the Lord can work in the next generation. I’ve also learnt the significance of “service over success”. We have to walk in humility and serve others because that’s what Jesus did. This shouldn’t just be done in church but outside in the workplace as well.
I would definitely recommend CIP to my friends because I believe that you will get to learn and serve. Your faith in Jesus will grow as you are challenged each day to live a life fully surrendered to Christ. You will also have a stronger identity as a son of Cornerstone as you understand how the church is run behind the scenes. It will teach you to be thankful for the church and what the Lord has given to us.
I joined last year’s CIP as I felt that it was a great opportunity to set aside two months to deepen my walk with God. CIP was a very fulfilling and eye-opening experience for me in that I had the opportunity to see and hear about how God moves not just in the church but also in the marketplace. Hearing these stories really inspired me and I hope to see God move for myself.
I also liked how the pastors were very real with their experiences, even sharing how they approached and overcame failure. My greatest takeaway from all the sessions is to always remain humble. It is very easy to cast the first stone but learning to stand in the gap for people takes love and grace. Some of my most memorable moments were listening to the leaders sharing their testimonies of exemplifying excellence, leading others and witnessing God come through for them as they prayed.
Through CIP, I have not just gained another community and friends that I can turn to but I have grown spiritually and become hungrier to pursue God and what is on His heart.
Through the mission trip teams that came to my church, I saw potential ideas that I could adapt to our church and environment as well as in the orphanage.
I came to CIP hoping to learn more so that I can expand our services back home. The atmosphere in the class really supported the development of our spiritual walk as well as our understanding of the church and the work that goes behind the scenes. We also had the opportunity to meet friends, and children of God from various nations including India, Mauritius, Singapore, and the Philippines. This allowed us to exchange ideas and information, as well as share valuable experiences.
One occasion I remember from the apprenticeship was when Pastor Wai Leng gave us an overview of pastoral structural management. She bought us coffee and we had a good time of casual and open sharing. She also shared with us that Jesus served and gave His life for the sake of humankind. It was there that I realised that we need to care more about our neighbours and God really wants us to become ambassadors for His kingdom so that we can be used to demonstrate His love for them.
Being new to the Pastoral Ministry, I decided that coming to CIP would be the perfect time for me to learn. I thought that this would be a good opportunity to build new relationships and to understand a new culture.
The lessons in the CIP class really supported my spiritual growth. I became more courageous and could communicate more confidently and boldly to others.
I remember learning from Ps Kevin’s teaching session that we must do everything for God with excellence. Ps Lynette also encouraged us to draw close to God and be even more intimate with Him. We needed to depend on the Holy Spirit to reveal wisdom concerning relating with people. I want to activate my spiritual ears whenever I listen and counsel the people around me when I return home.
During my attachment, I learnt about how I can prepare for pastoral ministry and the work that is involved. I also understood more about the administrative and operational processes that I can put in place when I return to Indonesia.