A joyous reunion for the Cornerstone family. Last year’s combined service was a celebration of the Lord’s faithfulness and a reminder of what makes us unique as a Cornerstone church. Joining us for the very first time were our Cornerstone Global Network pastors and leaders, representing 20 of our churches and ministries from around the world. Pastor Yang took the opportunity to give the body of Christ a broad vision of how the Lord is leading us in this hour and spoke about the unique DNA we have.
In 1 Corinthians 1:10, Paul expressed his desire for unity among believers, being “perfectly joined together in the same mind and the same judgment.”
In the same manner, Pastor Yang wanted to bring alignment in vision to every Cornerstone congregation so that everyone marches to one drumbeat and walks in lockstep with one another as we move forward as a church.
We have a global call
Pastor Yang believes that we have a call that goes beyond our local and national scale. God is giving us a seat at the global table because of a greater anointing and an enlargement that He desires to bring us into. To see this promise come to pass, we have to be an unselfish people, willing to make sacrifices and to plan globally but act locally.
We are a pentecostal church that makes room for the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is pre-eminent and is given room to move in our meetings. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit evidenced by the speaking of tongues and a manifestation of the power of God.
We are a prophetic people
Isaiah 59:21 holds a promise – that if we would welcome the prophetic, the prophetic mantle will rest on this church from one generation to another. Pastor Yang believes that God wants to give Cornerstone an upgrade in the prophetic. He desires for us to come out of the shallow waters and go into the deep end. If we are not infused with the Holy Spirit, we lose our cutting edge and become dull. The Issachar anointing to discern the times and seasons is something He wants to put upon this House. The question is, God is saying: “do you want it?”
We carry the message of Zion
Dr. Brian Bailey introduced the message of Zion to Cornerstone, and it is a call to the highest ideals of the Christian walk – onward progression and aspiring toward Christ-likeness and maturity. It is about ruling and reigning in Christ, sitting with Him in heavenly places and every church we plant in every nation is a step to fulfilling the vision.
We have revival in our DNA
Contending for revival has been a key emphasis in Cornerstone and we often talk about past revivals such as the 1904 Welsh Revival, and the Azusa Street Revival which impacted nations. When we acquired the Bible College of Wales in 2012 and Pisgah Chapel in 2015, God connected us to an ancient well of revival. He gave us the privilege to carry the spirit of revival and we must keep the fire burning.
We stand with Israel
Here in Cornerstone, we stand with Israel and pray for God’s chosen people. The church has not replaced Israel in God’s purposes and plans and we are to stand in the gap for her with that understanding in mind. Because He is a covenant-keeping God, He will never break His covenant with Israel, and where we stand before the Lord will depend on how we treat this nation. In fact, every Jewish person we meet may well be a divine appointment.
We are called to be a spiritual airforce
The book, “Intercessor” by Norman Grubb greatly impacted Pastor Yang’s life, and he emphasised that we are called to carry the mantle of revival and intercession. If we contend for it, God will give this House an anointing to shift the course of nations through prayer. We have been entrusted with one of the greatest revival wells and we must steward it faithfully. He is raising a mighty spiritual army in this hour – are we ready to say “yes” to His enlistment?